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THE WOMAN BEHIND THE MASK Help, I’m a Sugarholic

Help,  I’m a sugarholic 

So, I decided to have sweet tea for dinner last night.  Bad bad mistake! 😫😫.     I have been awake all night. 😳  My feet and legs feel as though someone is sticking pins in them.   My feet have felt has though they are on fire the last 3 or 4 months.   Help, I am a Sugarholic.    I stopped drinking coke but have fallen bad for sweet tea.   I don’t make sweet tea at home.  However, when we go out to dinner or out of town, I consume way too much.  I know sugar and gluten is not good for me so why can’t I quit?   My environmental doctors have warned me of the flare ups sugar causes.   Sugar and caffeine increases inflammation and causes my liver to work harder.   The liver is the filter of our bodies.   Sugar and gluten are big no no’s in my diet. They cause chronic pain to become worse.  Sugar is the devil.  So why do we feed it to our children?  Imagine if you raised your children on no sweets.   Would the world stop?   How would your child react?  Think about it, I’ll wait.  No, the world wouldn’t stop and your child will be better for it.  Our children only develop their taste buds of what their parents feed them.  Foods they are raised on.  My mother never made grits.  I said all my life, “I don’t like grits.”  Lol.   How did I know?   I had never tried them.   Has an adult (pre-allergy) I ate a lot of things my mother never feed us.  I love love love grits!!!   Your child would never become a sugarholic if you didn’t teach them to like sugar.  Wow, do I sound  like Sigmund Freud or Maslow?   I guess the psychology in me is coming out.  ☺️ Honestly, if sugar was never in my diet, I wouldn’t know what I was missing.   Neither would you!   Because of my exposure to environmental factors such as mold and asbestos my immune system is weak, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, myofascial dysfunction, muscle spasms, chronic fatigue , chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, and the list goes on.  So why tourch myself?  Help, I’m a Sugarholic!  😫. Did I mention chocolate?!?!? I need a twelve step program and it starts today with no sugar!!! Sugar exacerbates the pain.   I pray for my healing constantly!   Thank God, he’s brought me a long way but I can’t keep asking for healing and then make myself worse.  Am I better than an alcoholic? No, I’m causing harm to my body but in a different way.   Insanity is defined as doing the sane thing over and over again expecting a different result.  If I want my total and complete healing, I have to take responsibility in my healing as well.  The woman with the issue of blood got sick and tired of being sick and tired.  She took responsibility and went to meet the man who could heal her.   When she heard he was coming to her town she didn’t sit, wait and pray for him to come to her house.  This woman took action.  She went to find Jesus.   When she saw him, she touched the hem of his garment.   Immediately she was made whole!   The woman was made whole by her actions and her faith!!   We want God to heal, deliver, and set us free but we keep going back to the same thing we are praying to be delivered, healed and set free from.   We don’t take action nor do we have faith to be healed! Today, I declare I will be made whole and set free of my addiction to sugar!   Today, I take action.  I pray for strength to be delivered from my addiction to sugar.  Lord, you said in your Word all things are possible to him that believes.  I believe and I have faith that you can deliver me from all things that causes harm to me mind, body and soul.  My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I will only put in my body what is pleasing and acceptable unto the Lord. In the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood!  Amen. 

Barbara Lofton

Barbara Lofton

Barbara K. Lofton is an Ordained Minister, Motivational Speaker, Author, Psalmist, Teacher, and Liturgical Dancer. Lofton is a woman of God who lives on purpose! She loves the Lord with all her heart, mind, and soul. Her purpose is to know God better than the day before and to be a witness of His unfailing love and grace. A published author, her first book the “Cost of Favor”, was published on August 10, 2010. This book is a testament of her life and how God’s favor comes with a cost. Her second book just released, “Dear Butterfly Heart (Letters to Chanel)”, provides hope and healing for those who have experienced loss and to encourage others through her testimony. Lofton is a retired Health Care Administrator. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from Southern Illinois University, a Master of Science Degree in Management and a second Master of Science Degree in Counseling and Psychology from Troy University. Lofton is pursuing a Doctorate in Christian Counseling from Colorado Theological Seminary. She has a heart for God’s people and seeks to offer godly counsel to the lost and hurting. Barbara is a survivor! She survived mold illness, the death of her daughter, divorces, and other life trials. Prayerfully, what she has been through will inspire others. This site will also offer encouragement, healing, and hope to be free to remove all masks.

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You might think it’s strange or weird to see a person walking around with a mask on.  In my blog I will explain why this mask is necessary for survival.  I spent years wondering why smells would literally stop me from breathing.  I had no idea what had taken over my body like in a episode of twilight zone.

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